A deadly spider is hiding
from me.
A harmful spider is
poisoning everyone.
A spiky spider is preying
on us.
A hairy spider is biting
A poisonous spider is
hanging from a tree.
By Nicholas
A mean spider is sleeping
on me.
A scary spider is
building a web.
A fat spider is biting
A hairy spider is
poisoning us.
A harmful spider is
preying on its enemy.
By Tom
A hairy spider is
A ginormous spider is
A minute spider is
A fat spider is leaping.
A harmful spider is
By Kristian
A hairy spider is
crawling on me.
A fat spider is poisoning
A deadly spider is
sleeping on me.
A spiky spider is eating
A poisonous spider is
building a nest.
By Patrick
A soft butterfly is
flapping her wings.
A bright butterfly is
lying on me.
A beautiful butterfly is
landing on the ground.
A colourful butterfly is
swooping fast!
A sparkly butterfly is
tossing to the ground.
By Cerys
A fat butterfly is
falling to the ground.
A tiny butterfly is
landing on my head.
A soft butterfly is
flying to the sky.
A silky butterfly is
flopping to me.
A shiny butterfly is
gliding to my house.
By Tye
An itchy spider is biting
my leg.
A fat spider is sleeping
on my jacket.
A mean spider is
poisoning me.
A hairy spider is
A minute spider is lying
on my leg.
By Adam
A soft butterfly is
falling to the ground.
A beautiful butterfly is
flying in the sky.
A sparkly butterfly is
swooping down.
A colourful butterfly is
fluttering up.
A glittery butterfly is
landing on a tree.
By Naomi
A soft butterfly is
flopping in the air.
A shiny butterfly is
fluttering on the ground.
A fat butterfly is
swooshing in the cloud.
A blue butterfly is
gliding in the sun.
A tiny butterfly is
falling into the river.
By Keiara
An itchy spider is biting
A mean spider is sleeping
on us.
A poisonous spider is
crawling around.
A hairy spider is
attacking me.
A fat spider is building
a web.
By Blake
A beautiful butterfly is
gliding through the air.
A blue butterfly is
falling down to the ground.
A shiny butterfly is
shimmering in the sky.
A colourful butterfly is
landing on a tree.
A soft butterfly is
flying to a river.
By Charlize
A fat spider is sleeping
on my face.
An itchy spider is
crawling up my arm.
A hairy spider is
swinging from its web.
A deadly spider is biting
A minute spider is
building its web.
By Wilbur
A soft butterfly is
tickling my head.
A fat butterfly is
swooping in a tree.
A soft butterfly is
spinning on top of me.
A glittery butterfly is
falling out of a tree.
A colourful butterfly is
fluttering above the sun.
By Liam