Monday, 17 August 2015

Verb Poems

The kite zoomed
It flipped
It tossed and turned
The kite is rolling
And blasting
It spins to the ground

By Liam

The kite shot
It flipped
It dipped and blasted
The kite is swooping
And glowing
It tosses to the ground

By Tom

The kite loopy-looped
It swirled
It fluttered and zigzagged
The kite is tossing
And glowing
It zooms to the ground

By Charlize

The kite zoomed
It shot
It loopy-looped and swirled
The kite is spinning
And flopping
It glows to the ground

By Patrick

Running, passing, shooting
Jogging, attacking, dodging
I love netball

By Dakota

Trying, running, shooting
Jogging, scoring, chesting
I love Soccer

By Lily

Adjective Poems

Hot hands
Warm hands
New-born, weak, wet hands
Those are just a few.
Itchy hands
Soft hands
Old, sore, big hands
Sweaty, mucky too.
Small hands
Don’t forget cold hands
Last of all, best of all
I like clean hands

By Wilbur

Warm hands
Soft hands
Clean, veiny, hairy hands
Those are just a few.
hard hands
Big hands
Silky, hot, freezing hands
Bony old ones too.
Strong hands
Don’t forget fat hands
Last of all, best of all
I like rough hands

By Cerys

Old hands
Small hands
Hard, warm, wet hands
Those are just a few.
Sore hands
Strong hands
Weak, muddy, sweaty hands
Bumpy, dirty too.
Hairy hands
Don’t forget rough hands
Last of all, best of all
I like silky hands

By Seth

Warm hats
Soft hats
Tall, wet, colourful hats
Those are just a few.
Fancy hats
Wide hats
Big, dry, funny hats
Lacy, zig-zag ones too.
Spotty hats
Don’t forget small hats
Last of all, best of all
I like dirty hats

By Adam

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Our adjective and verb poems!

A deadly spider is hiding from me.
A harmful spider is poisoning everyone.
A spiky spider is preying on us.
A hairy spider is biting people.
A poisonous spider is hanging from a tree.

By Nicholas

A mean spider is sleeping on me.
A scary spider is building a web.
A fat spider is biting you.
A hairy spider is poisoning us.
A harmful spider is preying on its enemy.

By Tom

A hairy spider is building.
A ginormous spider is sleeping
A minute spider is attacking.
A fat spider is leaping.
A harmful spider is crawling.

By Kristian

A hairy spider is crawling on me.
A fat spider is poisoning me.
A deadly spider is sleeping on me.
A spiky spider is eating food.
A poisonous spider is building a nest.

By Patrick

A soft butterfly is flapping her wings.
A bright butterfly is lying on me.
A beautiful butterfly is landing on the ground.
A colourful butterfly is swooping fast!
A sparkly butterfly is tossing to the ground.

By Cerys

A fat butterfly is falling to the ground.
A tiny butterfly is landing on my head.
A soft butterfly is flying to the sky.
A silky butterfly is flopping to me.
A shiny butterfly is gliding to my house.

By Tye

An itchy spider is biting my leg.
A fat spider is sleeping on my jacket.
A mean spider is poisoning me.
A hairy spider is leaping.
A minute spider is lying on my leg.

By Adam

A soft butterfly is falling to the ground.
A beautiful butterfly is flying in the sky.
A sparkly butterfly is swooping down.
A colourful butterfly is fluttering up.
A glittery butterfly is landing on a tree.

By Naomi

A soft butterfly is flopping in the air.
A shiny butterfly is fluttering on the ground.
A fat butterfly is swooshing in the cloud.
A blue butterfly is gliding in the sun.
A tiny butterfly is falling into the river.

By Keiara

An itchy spider is biting me.
A mean spider is sleeping on us.
A poisonous spider is crawling around.
A hairy spider is attacking me.
A fat spider is building a web.

By Blake

A beautiful butterfly is gliding through the air.
A blue butterfly is falling down to the ground.
A shiny butterfly is shimmering in the sky.
A colourful butterfly is landing on a tree.
A soft butterfly is flying to a river.

By Charlize

A fat spider is sleeping on my face.
An itchy spider is crawling up my arm.
A hairy spider is swinging from its web.
A deadly spider is biting me!
A minute spider is building its web.

By Wilbur

A soft butterfly is tickling my head.
A fat butterfly is swooping in a tree.
A soft butterfly is spinning on top of me.
A glittery butterfly is falling out of a tree.
A colourful butterfly is fluttering above the sun.

By Liam

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

A Great Story By Patrick

In 1953 Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay climbed Mt Everest.  Lots of people wanted to climb Mt Everest.  To climb Mt Everest they needed snow goggles and jackets full of duck feathers.  Their boots had spikes on the bottom.  Lots of people wanted to be first to the top.  It was hard work! When Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay got to the top they put a New Zealand flag in the ground.

By Patrick

Room 5