The egg gets laid in
Summer. The butterfly can lay more than
100 eggs. The eggs are super tiny. They get laid under the leaf. The egg is white.
The caterpillar eats its
was out. When it gets out it eats the
egg. When it is fat it sheds its skin.
The caterpillar wraps a cocoon
round its self. It turns into a black
chrysalis. It hangs from a branch.
At last the butterfly
emerges into the world. It will go and
lay more eggs.
By Liam
Once upon a time there was
a caterpillar. It eats the shell. I don’t know what it tastes like. Then it eats leaves. Once it gets fatter it sheds its skin.
The caterpillar eats
leaves. When the cocoon spins it turns
black which means the butterfly will come.
Finally the cocoon breaks and in the cocoon
was… a monarch butterfly. Then it lays
an egg. It’s so tiny you can’t even see
it. But then the wings grow bigger and
By Beau
The egg gets put on a leaf
by the butterfly. The white egg is on
the green leaf. The egg is small.
The caterpillar eats the
egg shell and the caterpillar eats leaves.
It grows. It sheds his skin.
The caterpillar went on a
branch. He hangs on the branch and made
a chrysalis. It slowly changes colour.
Finally the butterfly
comes out. He looks awesome. Its wings are red and orange. I like monarch
butterflies. The butterfly lays eggs.
By Visharn
The egg is from a
butterfly. The egg is yellow and white
but it is mostly white. The butterfly
can lay more than 100 eggs. The
butterfly mostly lay her eggs on the clean leaves. When the egg is about to hatch it wriggles.
The caterpillar comes out
of the egg. The caterpillar tries to
look for milk leaves. When it eats it
also sheds its skin. My favourite part about the caterpillar is what it looks
like with a hole in the milk leaf.
The caterpillar makes a
cocoon around himself. If I was a
caterpillar in a cocoon it would probably feel weird. It kind of looks like a leaf so it can’t be
seen by predators.
By Manawa
The butterfly laid the egg
and the egg is white and the egg is under a leaf and the egg is safe. The egg is as big as a seed. There is more than one hundred eggs.
The caterpillar eats the
shell for several minutes when it finally gets out of the shell. They eat leaves. They shed their skin.
The caterpillar ate and
ate and the caterpillar turned into a chrysalis. It was green a while. Later it turned black and that means it is
Finally the butterfly
emerges out of the cocoon. The
butterfly’s wings are small and the wings grow bigger and it lays eggs.
By Kristian
You cannot touch the egg because
it will fall off .The egg hatches in three weeks. There were more than 100. It is a white egg. The sun doesn’t affect the little egg. The rain might get the egg off the leaf.
The caterpillar comes out
at night sometimes you might get to see it come out of the shell. It is white.
The caterpillar eats and eats leaves.
He sheds his skin later in the day.
The cocoon hangs from the
branch. The cocoon hangs upside down. It
changes colour.
Eventually from its cocoon
the butterfly comes. It has small wings
to start with then the wings get bigger.
The butterfly flies for the first time.
By Lily
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