Monday 17 August 2015

Adjective Poems

Hot hands
Warm hands
New-born, weak, wet hands
Those are just a few.
Itchy hands
Soft hands
Old, sore, big hands
Sweaty, mucky too.
Small hands
Don’t forget cold hands
Last of all, best of all
I like clean hands

By Wilbur

Warm hands
Soft hands
Clean, veiny, hairy hands
Those are just a few.
hard hands
Big hands
Silky, hot, freezing hands
Bony old ones too.
Strong hands
Don’t forget fat hands
Last of all, best of all
I like rough hands

By Cerys

Old hands
Small hands
Hard, warm, wet hands
Those are just a few.
Sore hands
Strong hands
Weak, muddy, sweaty hands
Bumpy, dirty too.
Hairy hands
Don’t forget rough hands
Last of all, best of all
I like silky hands

By Seth

Warm hats
Soft hats
Tall, wet, colourful hats
Those are just a few.
Fancy hats
Wide hats
Big, dry, funny hats
Lacy, zig-zag ones too.
Spotty hats
Don’t forget small hats
Last of all, best of all
I like dirty hats

By Adam

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